BPSC Geography Optional Syllabus

BPSC Geography Optional Syllabus – Download Official Syllabus PDF

BPSC Geography Optional Syllabus 2024 – Download Official Syllabus PDF

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BPSC Geography Optional Syllabus 2024

13. GEOGRAPHY Section- I

Principles of Geography:-

Part- A. Physical Geography:

(i) Geomorphology – Origin and evolution of the earth’s crust: earth movements and plate tectonics; volcanism; cycle of erosion.- Davis and Penck; fluvial, glacial, arid and karst land-forms; rejuvenated and polycyclic land- forms.

(ii) Climatology: – The atomosphere, its structure and composition; air masses and fronts; cyclones and related phenomena; climatic classification; koeppon and Thornthwait; groundwater and hydrological cycle.

(iii) Soils and vegetation- Soil genesis, classification and distribution: ecological aspects of savanna and monsoon forest biomes.

(iv) Oceanography: – Ocean bottom relief. Relief of Indian Ocean floor. Salinity. currents and tides; ocean deposits and coral reefs;

(v) Ecosystem. – Ecosystem concept, Man’s impact on the ecosystem, global ecological imbalances.

Part B. Human and Economic Geography.

(i) Devleopment of Geographical Thought: – Contributions of European and British Geographers, determinism and possiblilism; Dualism in Geography, quantitative and behavioural revolutions in geography.

(ii) Human Geography- Emergence of man and races of mankind cultural evolution of man; major cultural relams of the world; international migrations, past and present; world population-distribution and growth; demographic transtition and world population.

(iii) Settlements Geography: – Concepts of rural and urban settlements, Organs of Urbançation; Rural settlement patterns; city classifications; urban spheres of influence and the rural urban fringe, the internal structure of cities; problems of urban growth in the world.

(iv) Political Geography:- Concepts of nation and state; frontiers, boundaries, and buffer zones; concept of heartland and rimland;federalism.

(v) Economic Geography.- World economic development-measurement and problems; concept of resources, world resources, their distribution and global problems; world energy crisis; and limits to growth; world agriculture-typology and world agricultural regions; theory of agriculturaral location, world industry-theory of location of industries; world industrial patterns and problems; world trade and world trade patterns.

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